ЯOTOR ist eine von Michael Fischer kuratierte Reihe zu Experiment, Diskurs und Intermedialität ausgehend vom weit gefassten Topos Klang als ephemere, skulpturale Metapher.
An dem Abend stehen zwei Sets am Programm:
with a video by Patrick K.-H.
Martina Claussen - electronic devices, voice
Jonny Hawaii - sound, performance
Coming from a background of classical vocal performance (amongst others performing at the Volksoper Vienna, the Musikverein and Konzerthaus Vienna), over the past 10 years she expanded her artistic practice into electronic music composition and performance. She has held performances at Festivals such as Ars Electronica/ Austria, Festival Futura/ France and the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival. She works at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna where she holds the position of Associate Professor of Voice, since 2009.
The composer and vocal artist Martina Claussen explores and combines the sounds of the human voice and sound objects with field recordings, analogue and digital electronics. She explores the space and the performative action and has over the years steadily developed her own distinctive style of music. She studied Voice at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna, Composition at the Bruckner University in Linz, Vocal Pedagogy and Computer Music & Electronic Media at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. Martina Claussen received the Publicity Award 2020 of the SKE / Austro Mechana.
PATRICK K.-H. aka Anton Iakhontov, composer, video- and media-artist, navigating through graphical sound, animation, interactive performances, tangible and spatial sound, multivarious collaborations with contemporary dancers and butoh to graphic collage and acousmatic composition.
Vienna's best bit digs it's way up to the surface, ALBERT MAYR aka JONNY HAWAII's long-awaited debut long player. Besides releasing astonishing "Drops Studies" with Ultra Eczema a couple of years ago, this is what we - all missed, up till now: Mayr's classical morphing, shape-shifting, noise-driven, a-rhythmic, multi-rhythmic live-setting, captured by Robert Schwarz (Augsburger Messer, She Was A Visitor, Privat, L/R a.m.m.). He has performed countless times, screwing his pedals in wigs, with strobes and fans, on ironing boards, shovels or saws, here we go: "Albert Mayr puts his schnitzel where his mouth is. Mayr combines semi-household materials to create a colourful racket that turns (harsh) noise into fireworks and fireworks into free improvisation. Jazz into sound-art and pretzels into piercings. Mayr shows us one could walk on water, even it’s not freezing!" - (Dennis Tyfus, Ultra Eczema)
Albert Mayr, born 1975 in St. Pölten, lives and works in Vienna. He studied New Media at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, until 2008. 2010 he presented „The Jonny Hawaii Orchester“ at Künstlerhaus Graz, 2012 one of his extensive multimedia installations at Art Cologne, New Positions. Distinguished with the Austrian government scholarship in 2013, he presented at Liste, Basel 2014, in the frame of the „De Appel Gallerist Programme.“